Change + Consistency + Time = REAL RESULTS
It is likely that you've been trying to make a change on your own, but aren't getting the results you want. That can feel frustrating and exhausting. Counseling can be a new step for you to get more results out of your efforts. Below are some details about me and my practice to help you take this next step.

Common Goals
Here, I've listed a few of the goals or desired outcomes that you may gain from the counseling process. You may experience improved or increased:
Social supports
Healthy Habits/Behaviors
Stress-Management Skills
Anger-Management Skills
Coping Strategies
Healthy Emotional Responses
Personal Responsibility
Goal Achievement
Healthy Boundaries
Healthy Assertiveness
Positive Self-Talk/Positive Perspective

Payment Options
Self-Pay rates:
1st session= $115
Each following session= $105
*After the 1st session, a fee adjustment can be discussed, if needed for established self-pay clients.
*Payment is due at the time of service

Special Features
Faith-Based/Spiritual Counseling is available if desired by the client. Feel free to ask me about this if you are interested or if you have any concerns.
Telemedicine (video sessions) are possible after an in-person counseling relationship is established. Feel free to ask me about this if you'd like.

Professional Experience
Oparah Counseling Services, Owner and Counselor Dec 2007- Present
Tipp City, Ohio
New Creation Counseling Center, Counselor Dec 2007- June 2011
Tipp City, Ohio
Restore Ministries, Counseling Practicum and Internship Jan 2006 - May 2007
Green Hills, TN